
The File Transfer DXL Python service application requires a set of configuration files to operate.

This distribution contains a config sub-directory that includes the configuration files that must be populated prior to running the application.

Each of these files are documented throughout the remainder of this page.

Application configuration directory:

    logging.config (optional)

DXL Client Configuration File (dxlclient.config)

The required dxlclient.config file is used to configure the DXL client that will connect to the DXL fabric.

The steps to populate this configuration file are the same as those documented in the OpenDXL Python SDK, see the OpenDXL Python SDK Samples Configuration page for more information.

The following is an example of a populated DXL client configuration file:



File Transfer DXL Python Service (dxlfiletransferservice.config)

The required dxlfiletransferservice.config file is used to configure the application.

The following is an example of a populated application configuration file:

# Directory under which to store files (required, no default)

# Name of the topic to register with the DXL fabric for the file store
# request handler. (optional, defaults to
# "/opendxl-file-transfer/service/file-transfer/file/store")

# Working directory under which files (or segments of files) may be stored in
# the process of being transferred to the 'storageDir' (optional, defaults to
# "<storageDir>/.workdir")


The General section is used to specify file storage settings.

Name Required Description
storageDir yes

Directory under which to store files. The running service must have create directory and write permissions to the contents under this directory. If the directory does not exist at service startup, the service will attempt to create it. If the directory cannot be created, the service will fail with an error at startup.

For example, if the storageDir were specified as /root/dxl-file-store and the name specified for the file to be stored were /this/file/test.txt, respectively, the file stored on the server would be:


workingDir no Working directory under which files (or segments of files) may be stored in the process of being transferred to the storageDir. If not set, this defaults to a directory named .workdir under the directory specified for the storageDir setting.
storeTopic no

Name of the topic to register with the DXL fabric for the file store request handler. If not set, the service registers a default topic of:


Logging File (logging.config)

The optional logging.config file is used to configure how the application writes log messages.